Thursday, August 11, 2011

You betta check yo self!

1. a member of a Jewish sect that flourished during the 1st century b.c. and 1st century a.d. and that differed from the Sadducees chiefly in its strict observance of religious ceremonies and practices, adherence to oral laws and traditions, and belief in an afterlife and the coming of a Messiah.

2. a sanctimonious, self-righteous, or hypocritical person.

You might be a Pharisee if:

·         Lack the ability to receive correction

·         I Boast I only listen to God and not to men.  God has put spiritual leaders in our lives.

·         Have an inclination to see the wrong in other people.  Fault finding is not a fruit of the spirit, it’s a demon spirit, it infects weak believers.  If you find yourself constantly being brow beat it’s the work of the devil wanting to beat you down and not believe in yourself.   

      Another word of wisdom, remember, you don’t have to express every thought that goes through your brain, it’s alright to be quiet, and it’s alright to give your mouth a rest.

·         You feel you’ve been appointed to fix other people.  Who are you to judge another?  Is someone constantly picking on you, telling you who you ought to be?  Stop letting people tell you who you ought to be. Let Christ tell you and enjoy the journey.

·         You feel you hear from God more than other people.

·         When your prayer life has become mechanical, it’s a performance, not a thing of passion.  You rehearse when you have to pray in front of others.  Prayer is to get you ready to do God’s will.

·         When you want to be recognized for everything you do in the kingdom of God.  "I brought colored toothpicks to the church social and you misspelled my name on the bulletin, how dare you, don’t you know who I am, I am important!"

·         You have a critical spirit of Holy Spirit manifestations…when you reject the holy spirit in the house of God, you reject God.