Wednesday, April 28, 2010

That person makes me so mad!

That person makes me so mad!

Okay now I know we all get mad from time to time and irritated…I’m not saying it’s not going to happen but when we stay mad and we allow it to fester it’s not good for our mental and physical health.  So how do we overcome anger?   Check out this great teaching from Gregory Dickow…it won’t happen overnight but we can have steady growth towards the end result.
Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “That person makes me so mad!”
We all have someone in our life at times that we may feel that way about.  This thinking robs us of the happiness God intended; and from enjoying other people.
1. Decide today that NO ONE makes you mad. Someone may light a match, but we ignite the fuse, by the choice to act on the feeling of anger.
2. Let’s learn from Cain. He tried to blame Abel for why he felt angry (Genesis 4:6-9). God told him, “Anger is crouching at the door, but you MUST master it.” (Genesis 4:7)
3. You CAN master your emotions. (Genesis 4:7) Believe this: God wouldn’t tell you to do something that He doesn’t give you the power to do. (2 Timothy 1:7)
4. Understand the meaning: Be angry, but sin not. (Ephesians 4:26) The sinful part of anger is blaming someone else for it; and taking it out on others. But it’s RIGHT to express it to God. Tell Him how you feel. He understands; and He can rescue you from it, when you’re honest.
5. Let go of your need for others to meet your expectations. Forgive them in your heart. And re-direct your misplaced expectations back toward God. (Psalm 75:6-7)
6. You will receive from God. (Colossians 3:23-24) Expect this. People only let you down when you have put too much dependence and expectation in their hands.
I decide today that no one is the source of my anger. They may trigger it; but I have power over it. I express it to God and expect His deliverance. I forgive others for letting me down, and I expect to receive from God for all my needs, in Jesus’ Name.
In His Amazing Love,
Gregory Dickow

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happiness is Doing God’s Will

Happiness is Doing God’s Will

Happiness Is Doing God’s Will
     If you’re willing to do what God calls you to do, God will not only create in you the desire to do His Will, but He will also furnish the anointing to get the job done.
     God told Israel. “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land…” (Isaiah 1:19)
     There are some who are willing, but have never been obedient, and there are others who are obedient, but they have never been willing. They drag their feet all of the way. Both of these individuals will be miserable in life and will never enter into full blessings of the promised land of God’s perfect will.
     If you are willing and obedient, you will have confidence that God’s calling will supply the anointing that will guide you into His perfect will.
     In Psalm 37:4, David said “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”