Friday, February 27, 2009

Cents or Sense?

Cents or Sense?

I must admit, tonight I have the blues… I’m thoroughly disgusted with the Stimulus Plan and the way this country has strayed so far from God.  If it weren’t so horrible I could almost… laugh out loud at those that are running around pulling their hair out wondering how on earth this country is in this deplorable state.  Reckon we are IN this mess because we’ve taken GOD out?   HELLO!!!
I really don’t see anything concrete in the Stimulus Plan that’s going to help the average family here in East Texas or anywhere else.  My husband and I were discussing the economy, pro-life issues and a ton of other subjects while walking the other day.  It seems to us that every issue has a dollar sign attached to it.  Many are suffering because of greed.  We are truly living in an age of excess.
It’s shocking to read reports of management living like kings when others are starving, can’t afford health insurance, etc… they’ve taken billions of dollars on the pretense that their companies are in danger and employees will lose their jobs.  In actuality, they want more for themselves.  It’s shameful behavior for which there’s no excuse.
Greed has been around since the beginning… but now we all can see it in the bright of day because of technology.  Whether it’s a little or a lot, greed is an ugly thing and yes, we all can be greedy…but can we at least  try NOT to be?  Why can’t we realize that if we will do what’s right we will be blessed beyond our imagination?  Whatever happened to integrity, honesty, and good character?  Doing the right thing doesn’t always appeal to our flesh but the rewards will last a lifetime.  Greed causes suffering beyond imagining and can destroy individuals, marriages, families, and nations.
God’s word is alive, it is the same now as it was in the beginning.  He didn’t give us His guidance to make us boring, unhappy and “fun-less”.  He has given us this knowledge to enrich our lives, to keep us from harm, stress and a life full of controversy, drama and anguish!!!  Now more than ever His word rings true.  We must put our trust in Him and look to Him for our provision!
1 Timothy 6:10 (Whole Chapter) NLT
For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.
2 Timothy 3:2 (Whole Chapter) NLT
For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.
1 John 3:17 (Whole Chapter) NLT
If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister [ Greek sees his brother.] in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person?
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2 Responses to Cents or Sense?

  1. drew1j19 says:
    very good thought, its funny because i was just talking about this sorta thing with a friend of mine briefly today. It seems as though almost every company that provides services for people is really only interested in making money and has no desire to serve anyone but themselves. (ie: making you suffer through hour long phone calls to cancel service or not updating you when prices drop and months later you find out you could have been saving hundreds of dollars every month)
  2. kswpnila says:
    Yes! That’s exactly what I’m talking about. For instance…we were to receive credit for an airline ticket I couldn’t use, after numerous fees out of a $250.00 ticket, all that was left was $68.50. Then I was told by an employee that to get the credit I had to pay $25.00 to have it sent to our house…so silly me I did it. Then last Friday night I needed to use the credit for an upcoming flight but the only way to use the credit was to call, I did and do you know they said it would be a $25.00 fee to use the credit?!?!?!?!?! Wrong I tell you, just plain ole WRONG!
    But you know what, God knows all sees all…nuff said!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Up the Hill

Up the Hill

Picnic table view
Picnic table view
Saturday my husband and I went to Ratcliff Lake to ride our bikes…it was a beautiful day!  We rode 3 miles up and down hills.  I haven’t rode a bicycle in years (not very far anyway) but after walking several miles for the last couple of weeks I figured
surely I could handle a little old bike ride.   After a few minutes I knew I was in trouble…the further we went, the further I knew we would have to ride back…I was mad at myself for being weak…I wanted to enjoy the ride…I did at first but then here came the hills, not to mention the new gel seat for my bike turned out to be a torture device and on top of that we didn’t bring water, hello! what were we thinking!  I had to get off my bike and walk up hills several times!  Finally we stopped to rest on a picnic table and enjoy the scenery I was so exhausted I laid back on the table and looked up…the pic above is what I saw, the clouds were moving slowly by and the sky was clear beautiful blue, it was a delight and so  peaceful!
Although I enjoyed the scenery and thanked God for it, I was worried about the ride back and wondered if at some point I should say uncle and ask my dear hubbie to go ahead of me, come back and pick me up in the truck…I just couldn’t do it, but I did entertain the idea for several seconds.  There were times vehicles passed us on the trek back and I tried not to look like I was dying…it was embarrassing with all the faces I was making.  My legs and lungs burned and screamed…it was terrible!  I finally asked my husband if we were getting close to the truck!!!
Finally we rounded the curve after what seemed like an eternity and there it was!!!  The truck was so close but yet so far away,  there in front of my destination was the hill that I so happily coasted down at the beginning of the ride.  I said to myself, “Self, you can finish wimpy and walk in or you can stay on the bike the whole way up the hill and to the truck and finish strong”.  I did stay on the bike and used the last bit of effort and strength I had left but  I finished!!!  My arms and legs were shaky and I was, as my dad used to say,  sucking wind!  I was so winded I could barely talk but by crackety I finished!!!
After getting a good drink of water and cooling off we went on to Crockett to have lunch…on the way I thought about the experience and decided it was good for me and wasn’t in vain…I would like to try it again…I want to be in better health, be stronger…if I have to run, walk or ride a bike I want to be able to do that without falling apart.  What’s weird is after about 30  to 40 minutes I was just fine and wasn’t even tired.  I even told my hubbie if I had to I could ride some more, he looked at me like I had lost my mind along the road somewhere ;-)   LOL!  Anyway…
This experience made me think of our race/walk for Christ and God’s Kingdom.  We must press on to reach the end.  God is calling us, cheering us on but at the same time being patient and allowing us rest to gear up for the next part of the journey.  I can say that when I finished it wasn’t pretty or perfect but I did finish, even if I had walked in or even crawled in to the finish line (truck) the fact remains I would have finished!  We don’t have to be perfect, just persevere! 
As it says in Philippians 2:16  “Let us Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ’s return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.”  
Oh and btw my dear husband Sherman never got off his bike to walk, he had no problems the entire time!  He barely felt winded, he waited on me patiently and with kindness and loaded my bike too :-) 
More daily bread…
  1. Philippians 3:14 (Whole Chapter)
    I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
  2. 2 Timothy 4:7 (Whole Chapter)
    I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.
  3. Hebrews 12:1 (Whole Chapter)
    [ God’s Discipline Proves His Love ] Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
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One Response to Up the Hill

Rachel Monahan says:
This is interesting in that it pictures, in our minds, the challenge, the struggle, and the determination to finish the set course! Just like Paul, you ran with endurance. You threw off the discouragement that was trying to slow you down… and reached the end of the race.
I am proud of you!
Love you,