Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

My dear mother-in-law passed a way several years ago, she loved Christmas and loved Jesus with all her heart.  The other day I was looking for a family recipe and found this in her recipe box, I feel she probably read this every Christmas and I know it meant a lot to her, take it to heart and love your family while they are still here.

“Jesus is the Reason for the Season”

The presents are tucked, By the tree neatly trimmed.

Children are excited, As gift-giving begins.

Loved ones and friends, Gather as before.

To hear the story of Christmas,

Told by Grandpa once more.

Everything is ready, the celebration starts.

But something is missing, Could it be my heart?


Could Christmas be more, Than gifts under a tree?

The true meaning of the season, I really want to see.


My heart begins to ponder, My thoughts see the sight,

Of that very first Christmas, The holiest of nights.


Angels praise and worship, Shepherds share the sight.

Of God’s wondrous promise, a King is born tonight!


I understand the difference, The reason is crystal clear.

It’s JESUS who makes the season-of-family, friends and cheer.


Without the birth of Jesus,

the celebration would be gone.


HE brings the love of family,

HE brings the joy of song.

People would still be lonely,

No hope would fill their way.



Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jiggle All the Way!

Jiggle All the Way!

jingle3Yep it’s that time again…some of us jingle all the way, and some of us jiggle all the way from mountains of holiday food and gooey confections.  Last week after stuffing ourselves with turkey, ham, dressing, cranberry sauce and rivers of gravy, my husband and I decided we really would like to head the extra fat off at the pass.  Yesterday morning I valiantly got up at the crack of dawn to jump around, sweat and wear myself out before work hoping I could stop the madness of the holiday blimp blues.  We’ll see if I do it the rest of the week and through Christmas!
Below is an awesome free way to wrangle away that holiday bulge before it happens and after (I actually lost over 42 lbs with this program, when I stopped using it, I gained about 15 back) YUCK!

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One Response to Jiggle All the Way!

Kelly says:
Nila! Merry Christmas. Love your blog! Keep shining your beautiful light throughout East Texas – and the world!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Small things matter

Small things matter

bartley-back-yardA view from our kitchen window this morning, this picture doesn’t do it justice.  The beauty outside our window is priceless and I’m so thankful for it.  Maybe to some it would seem like a small thing.  To me it’s a delight, not something I see all the time.  To think that God created it knowing one day I would enjoy it, makes it even more precious.  Next time you are outside or looking out your window, take a moment to stand still, look around you and see what God created for you today!  He loves you!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lend me your ear!

Lend me your ear!

Lend me your ear!
Lend me your ear!
Well here I am again with a raging ear infection.  If you’ve had any kind of ear infection you know the pain and disorientation it causes and immediate relief is very much needed!  After multiple visits over the last couple of months to my family doctor… he’s said he can’t do anything else for me… so now on to the ear specialist.  I called this morning and the earliest I can get in is Monday!  So here I am praying for relief, wanting to feel normal, talking under water and having excruciating pain!  But you know what, others have it worse, much worse…my carnal weak human side really wants to feel sorry for myself, it’s a struggle not to whine and complain and go on and on about my ear to everyone who will listen! HA!  I have to stop and tell myself others have it much worse…at least I do have insurance to go to the doctor…at least  I do have medicine for the pain…at least I do have family and friends who are praying for me.  What about those who don’t have any of these things or have lost ear or those who are deaf?  No matter what we go through someone else has it worse…somehow this realization makes the pain bearable and makes me realize how many blessings I really do have.  Sometime next week I’ll have my appointment, have a diagnosis and things will be much brighter… for someone else they may still be suffering…in fact let’s pray for those suffering now!
Father I pray for the person reading this right now, that whatever symptoms and pain they are having that You would heal them, give them peace and comfort.  For those reading that are depressed, lonely, worried, fearful or anxious…Father give them assurance that You are in control, let your Spirit surround them, let Your Word speak to their heart of your unending love, protection and compassion…AMEN!!!
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2 Responses to Lend me your ear!

  1. Tim says:
    Perhaps your ear would feel better if so many others wouldn’t chew on it!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hair in the dark

Hair in the dark

Being a girl, you know we have to worry about hair…we wash it, comb it, brush it, gel it, spray it, cut it, fiddle with it and hope and pray it looks good enough to pass through the day without looking totally dweebish.  Have you ever noticed how the longer you work on your hair the worse it looks?  This morning my entire “hair” routine was turned upside down by circumstances I’m not used to (more on that later)… I did my “do” in the dark in about 5 minutes flat…I didn’t even wash it this morning!  Lo and behold when I got to work my truth telling wonderful gal pals said my hair looked fabulous and it looked as if I had gone to the salon! HA!!!!  Just goes to show the more you worry and fuss about something it doesn’t make it better.  In fact you can worry and twist something so much that it gets out of shape and out of control and you’ll wish you had left it alone, I believe it’s true what God says…
Luke 12:25 Which of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his height?
Mattew 6:34 Therefore don’t be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day’s own evil is sufficient.
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One Response to Hair in the dark

Jennifer Sanders says:
Absolutely right. Isn’t is wonderful how God can just work things out to be awesome when we just let go of it, just get our hands out of the way.