What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The answer to this question for me would be, I turn off the fans and air conditioner. We love it ice-cold to sleep at night…our bedroom is like a cold cave and we hibernate like two big teddy bears! 
All silliness aside though, truly the first thing I do is thank God I woke up and then say a prayer for family and friends. “Father watch over my husband today, my mom, dad, step dad, sister and all my family & friends. Let them have a good day Father, bless them and keep them safe, in Jesus name AMEN!”
It brings comfort to my heart and hopefully to yours to know that

All silliness aside though, truly the first thing I do is thank God I woke up and then say a prayer for family and friends. “Father watch over my husband today, my mom, dad, step dad, sister and all my family & friends. Let them have a good day Father, bless them and keep them safe, in Jesus name AMEN!”
It brings comfort to my heart and hopefully to yours to know that