But alas, it’s easy to get involved in all your friends lives and sometimes feels like your life is getting lost in theirs, sometimes I think it’s because we care so much and want them to be well and happy, we want to fix the bad times for them, it hurts to see your loved ones suffer, it becomes overwhelming….especially when you are already stressed to the max from work.
So, I disconnected and then reconnected with God….and oh how wonderful it was! After spending time with God, simply sitting with Him, telling Him all about my concerns and hurts, then listening to what He said to to my heart…I truly found “Peace that surpasses all understanding”. You have access to this peace as well, all you have to do is get alone with Him, pour your heart out and He will fill it back up with His love and peace.
Philippians 4:7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Just remember that next time you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, it’s okay to disconnect and then reconnect with God!